diumenge, 25 de maig del 2008
De mel de maig crec que em menjarem poca, les abelles no acaben d'anar tot lo fortes que haurien d'anar en el mes de maig, i això que hi ha flor a voler, però ... malalties, pardaleria, canvi climàtic? qualque dia ho arribarem a descobrir. Vos deix aquest video d'una passejada per l'apiari aquest cap de setmana.
dilluns, 19 de maig del 2008
Ja tenim els abellerols (merops apiaster) per la nostra zona, però malgrat saber que s'alimenten d'abelles (i altres insectes) , pareix una contradicció però són uns ocells magnífics i preciosos, no crec que facin tant de mal el que fan es selecció natural. Podeu llegir l'informe de la Conselleria d'Agricultura "clicant" AQUÍ
Les abelles desapareixen, ja ho sap tot el món però el més trist es que ens volen fer creure que són virus nous i més resisitents el que les mata, pot ser que sí però el que està realment comprovat és que el tractament de llavors amb insecticides acaba amb tots els apiaris de les zones afectades. A Alemanya acaben de prohibir tots els insecticides amb el principi actiu clothianidin (Poncho Pro, Gaucho, Antarc, Chinook, Cruiser 350 FS, Elado, Faibel i Mesurol)
A Italia fa un més també hi hagué una desaparició massiva d'abelles per les mateixes causes, l'any passat a França amb el Fipronil i etc... etc...
Realment es necessari aturar totes aquestes barbaritats, no és fàcil; la industria Agro-química mou molts de diners, pero hi ha webs que no ho veuen impossible si de debó ens hi posam tots.
NOTÍCIES DE L'ABA (Associació Balear d'Apicultors)
Clicau damunt i tindreu la informació
Els qui sigueu socis de l'ABA i tingueu cera bruta per canviar per cera laminada teniu desde el dia 15 de maig fins dia 10 de juny al local de la mateixa associació camí de son Alegre ,2 baixos Pla de na Tesa telefon 971 794 378
dijous, 8 de maig del 2008
This information was gleaned from Eric Mussen's UC Davis Newsletter. Information below on how to subscribe. It is one of the best there is. This article has good information on treating Nosema cerane. You need to know this.
Colony Collapse Still Around
Stories of collapsing colonies are still coming in. As in the previous year, they started in late summer and continued right through almond bloom. Involved beekeepers varied from some who never had problems before to others who were hit hard two years in a row.
As in previous years, samples taken after the collapse don’t tell us too much, because whatever happened occurred earlier. What we see is empty hives with no sample bees left to take.
Something that quite a number of beekeepers have noticed is that Nosema infections are much higher than they anticipated. When I arrived fresh from the University of Minnesota, I really emphasized the necessity of controlling nosema disease, especially if a beekeeper was going to sell queens and bulk bees to other beekeepers. That made quite an impact, especially on our
Bee Breeders. Sales of fumagillin rocketed up in California.
Our Bee Breeders have been using fumagillin for decades to control Nosema apis with very good results. They had their treatment schedules worked out and samples sent to me for spore counts were nearly always ND (not detected).
This year, Dr. Marla Spivak and her crew began a project, with the assistance of Sue Cobey, to help the Bee Breeders select breeder queens whose workers demonstrated elevated hygienic behavior. Marla was pleasantly surprised to observe how well that trait already is established in many of the stocks.
During those visits to the beekeeping outfits, samples also were taken of worker bees and analyzed for Nosema spores. A few years ago, ND was the norm. This year, ND was a rare exception. Most colonies had levels of infection that required treatment, according to the old guidelines. Some counts were as high as we see in laboratory studies of caged bees.
How did this happen? Did our old friend, Nosema apis, become resistant to the fumagillin? I doubt it. The few studies that have been conducted over time showed no problem of that sort.
Perhaps this isn’t Nosema apis. It is likely to be Nosema ceranae, according to verbal reports of the CCD researchers. The European studies suggest that N. ceranae is susceptible to fumagillin, but they use it at dosages up to four times stronger than we use for Nosema apis.
The Bee Breeders are not the only ones to see increased Nosema infections this year. Other California beekeepers are reporting high spore counts. Some are reporting globs of bee feces on the fronts of hives and on the ground in front of the colonies. Last fall, Randy Oliver was taking
some samples from his colonies. He found that returning foragers, captured around noon and especially if they were writhing around on the ground, had elevated levels of spores. However, workers taken from the brood nest (nurse bees?) did not have demonstrable spores.
This follows the pattern that Dr. Higes presented at our MegaMeeting in Sacramento a few months ago. He stated that the nurse bees would appear to be uninfected during the spring and summer, but as late summer and fall approached, the bees inside the hive would start top build up spore levels, as well as the foragers. When nearly all the “house bees” were infected, the adult population would abandon the hive. Is this what we call CCD?
As our beekeepers try to resolve this nosema disease problem, they have to con-sider three important factors. The first is that worker honey bees infected with Nosema ceranae apparently will not take feed, either syrup or patty. Thus, the bees have to have the medicated syrup applied onto their bodies to force them to clean themselves off and take their medicine. Since you can only apply a small amount of syrup per treatment, the researchers in Spain suggest four treat-
ments at one week intervals.
The second difference between treating Nosema apis and N. ceranae concerns the dosage of the medication. Without saying much about experimental trials, the Spanish have decided that the
dosage should be about 2.5-3.0 times higher than that used for N. apis. Thus, they would
mix the 95 gram bottle into 40 gallons of syrup, instead of into 100-120 gallons.
The third interesting factor is the formulation of the fumagillin that now is available to us. Fumagilin-B® is imported into the Unites States from a Canadian company, Medivet. The product is not “registered” as such, but the FDA has worked out a type of memorandum of
understanding so that the product can be imported and used in the U.S.
The numbers on the label differ from those on the label of the old Fumidil-B®, but
the mixing instructions are the same for Nosema apis. However, since it is not likely
that we have Nosema apis in our bees anymore, you should pay attention to the instructions for use against Nosema ceranae.
The Medivet label divides its instructions into fall and spring uses. Fall isn’t difficult, because they are the same instructions as for the old Fumidil-B in the fall. It is the spring use that demands careful study.
The instructions say to feed “at a rate of 30 mg fumagillin activity per colony, 4 times at 1 week intervals.” For our purposes, the next set of instructions is better. “Dissolve 454 g Fumagilin-B (one large bottle) in 40 US gallons of sugar syrup and feed each colony 1 pint (treats 320 colonies). Repeat 3 times at 1 week intervals.” Schedule to complete treatment at least 4 weeks before adding honey supers.”
Yes, this means that the dosage is about 2.5 times stronger than we used to use for Nosema apis. Yes, this means many additional visits to the bee yards. And, if you notice that the bees in the colony just are not taking up medicated syrup, you may have to pour it on the bees. That is the procedure used by the Spanish researchers. Spraying the applications on the bees is being tested, currently, by Medivet.
There are a few other Medivet suggests that bear repeating. Make sure the fumagillin is well blended into the syrup. This formulation blends into syrup much more readily than the old Fumidil-B – do not get the syrup very hot or the fumagillin will be inactivated. Check to see if the bees are taking the syrup. Nosema ceranae-infected bees often stop feeding, all together.
You can subscribe to Eric Mussen's electronic Newsletter by visiting the address below. It is one of the best there is.
This message brought to you be Bee Culture magazine, The Magazine Of American Beekeeping www.BeeCulture.com
Subscribe to the Apis Newsletter: http://apis.shorturl.com
Save Your Bees & Save Your Cash! with www.SaveYourBees.com
The information in this Buzz in NOT copyright, and we encourage you to use it in newsletters or whereever it will benefit beekeepers.
video sobre la desaparició de les abelles
This information was gleaned from Eric Mussen's UC Davis Newsletter. Information below on how to subscribe. It is one of the best there is. This article has good information on treating Nosema cerane. You need to know this.
Colony Collapse Still Around
Stories of collapsing colonies are still coming in. As in the previous year, they started in late summer and continued right through almond bloom. Involved beekeepers varied from some who never had problems before to others who were hit hard two years in a row.
As in previous years, samples taken after the collapse don’t tell us too much, because whatever happened occurred earlier. What we see is empty hives with no sample bees left to take.
Something that quite a number of beekeepers have noticed is that Nosema infections are much higher than they anticipated. When I arrived fresh from the University of Minnesota, I really emphasized the necessity of controlling nosema disease, especially if a beekeeper was going to sell queens and bulk bees to other beekeepers. That made quite an impact, especially on our
Bee Breeders. Sales of fumagillin rocketed up in California.
Our Bee Breeders have been using fumagillin for decades to control Nosema apis with very good results. They had their treatment schedules worked out and samples sent to me for spore counts were nearly always ND (not detected).
This year, Dr. Marla Spivak and her crew began a project, with the assistance of Sue Cobey, to help the Bee Breeders select breeder queens whose workers demonstrated elevated hygienic behavior. Marla was pleasantly surprised to observe how well that trait already is established in many of the stocks.
During those visits to the beekeeping outfits, samples also were taken of worker bees and analyzed for Nosema spores. A few years ago, ND was the norm. This year, ND was a rare exception. Most colonies had levels of infection that required treatment, according to the old guidelines. Some counts were as high as we see in laboratory studies of caged bees.
How did this happen? Did our old friend, Nosema apis, become resistant to the fumagillin? I doubt it. The few studies that have been conducted over time showed no problem of that sort.
Perhaps this isn’t Nosema apis. It is likely to be Nosema ceranae, according to verbal reports of the CCD researchers. The European studies suggest that N. ceranae is susceptible to fumagillin, but they use it at dosages up to four times stronger than we use for Nosema apis.
The Bee Breeders are not the only ones to see increased Nosema infections this year. Other California beekeepers are reporting high spore counts. Some are reporting globs of bee feces on the fronts of hives and on the ground in front of the colonies. Last fall, Randy Oliver was taking
some samples from his colonies. He found that returning foragers, captured around noon and especially if they were writhing around on the ground, had elevated levels of spores. However, workers taken from the brood nest (nurse bees?) did not have demonstrable spores.
This follows the pattern that Dr. Higes presented at our MegaMeeting in Sacramento a few months ago. He stated that the nurse bees would appear to be uninfected during the spring and summer, but as late summer and fall approached, the bees inside the hive would start top build up spore levels, as well as the foragers. When nearly all the “house bees” were infected, the adult population would abandon the hive. Is this what we call CCD?
As our beekeepers try to resolve this nosema disease problem, they have to con-sider three important factors. The first is that worker honey bees infected with Nosema ceranae apparently will not take feed, either syrup or patty. Thus, the bees have to have the medicated syrup applied onto their bodies to force them to clean themselves off and take their medicine. Since you can only apply a small amount of syrup per treatment, the researchers in Spain suggest four treat-
ments at one week intervals.
The second difference between treating Nosema apis and N. ceranae concerns the dosage of the medication. Without saying much about experimental trials, the Spanish have decided that the
dosage should be about 2.5-3.0 times higher than that used for N. apis. Thus, they would
mix the 95 gram bottle into 40 gallons of syrup, instead of into 100-120 gallons.
The third interesting factor is the formulation of the fumagillin that now is available to us. Fumagilin-B® is imported into the Unites States from a Canadian company, Medivet. The product is not “registered” as such, but the FDA has worked out a type of memorandum of
understanding so that the product can be imported and used in the U.S.
The numbers on the label differ from those on the label of the old Fumidil-B®, but
the mixing instructions are the same for Nosema apis. However, since it is not likely
that we have Nosema apis in our bees anymore, you should pay attention to the instructions for use against Nosema ceranae.
The Medivet label divides its instructions into fall and spring uses. Fall isn’t difficult, because they are the same instructions as for the old Fumidil-B in the fall. It is the spring use that demands careful study.
The instructions say to feed “at a rate of 30 mg fumagillin activity per colony, 4 times at 1 week intervals.” For our purposes, the next set of instructions is better. “Dissolve 454 g Fumagilin-B (one large bottle) in 40 US gallons of sugar syrup and feed each colony 1 pint (treats 320 colonies). Repeat 3 times at 1 week intervals.” Schedule to complete treatment at least 4 weeks before adding honey supers.”
Yes, this means that the dosage is about 2.5 times stronger than we used to use for Nosema apis. Yes, this means many additional visits to the bee yards. And, if you notice that the bees in the colony just are not taking up medicated syrup, you may have to pour it on the bees. That is the procedure used by the Spanish researchers. Spraying the applications on the bees is being tested, currently, by Medivet.
There are a few other Medivet suggests that bear repeating. Make sure the fumagillin is well blended into the syrup. This formulation blends into syrup much more readily than the old Fumidil-B – do not get the syrup very hot or the fumagillin will be inactivated. Check to see if the bees are taking the syrup. Nosema ceranae-infected bees often stop feeding, all together.
You can subscribe to Eric Mussen's electronic Newsletter by visiting the address below. It is one of the best there is.
This message brought to you be Bee Culture magazine, The Magazine Of American Beekeeping www.BeeCulture.com
Subscribe to the Apis Newsletter: http://apis.shorturl.com
Save Your Bees & Save Your Cash! with www.SaveYourBees.com
The information in this Buzz in NOT copyright, and we encourage you to use it in newsletters or whereever it will benefit beekeepers.
video sobre la desaparició de les abelles
dilluns, 5 de maig del 2008
"Zero Gravity Living" la resposta a la síndrome del despoblament de caseres!
A la fi he descobert perqué ens desapareixen les abelles, han trobat un lloc increible, i és clar no volen tornar als nostres caixonets tan ordinaris, malgrat que ben pensat és la mateixa filosofia de vida que aquesta moderna i luxosa tribu urbanita i estressada que cerca incansablement "raconets"d'aquesta magnífica illa encara per explotar, això si ells respecten totalment l'entorn... així s'ho venen, però una imatge ja diuen que val més que mil paraules per a mostra un botó.
Aquí teniu una part de l'entrevista a un dels arquitectes del macroprojecte de l'urbanització "Cap Vermell" vos donarà el secret per gaudir millor del vostre Temps!
¿Hasta qué punto sus diseños se han visto influi dos por el paisaje mallorquín, sobre todo el de la región nororiental?
W. K. Nos gusta utilizar el término »arquitectura invisible« para expresar nuestro sentimiento de que lo que realmente importa no es la expre sión chillona, sino un enfoque más sutil para cada situación y ubicación en particular. En el caso de Cap Vermell, nos encontramos justo al lado de la montaña, con magníficas vistas al valle, al mar y a los accidentados acantilados que rebosan contrastes. Por consiguiente, nuestros edificios se integran en el paisaje. Presentan grandes ventanales en el lado que da al valle, así como paredes sólidas y re frescantes en el otro, en el lado que da a la mon taña. Parecen una prolongación natural de la montaña. Podría decirse que aprovechamos el espacio circundante con la incorporación de la montaña al diseño y a la construc ción del edificio.
¿Cuál es la importancia del aspecto de la naturaleza y de la fusión con la naturaleza en este contexto?
W. K. En Mallorca hay fincas rodeadas por 30.000 metros cuadrados (unas 3 hectáreas) de campiña deshabitada ¡sin un solo vecino a la vista! Esto es un lujo del que se puede disfrutar en Mallorca. Por otra parte, hay mucha gente que nunca se consideraría granjero en su plantación de 8.000 hectáreas, pero que en cambio desean tener acceso al lujo, a las comodidades y a los servicios ofrecidos por un hotel de cinco estrellas. Además, quieren que su casa se encuentre en un lugar paradisíaco en armonía con la naturaleza circundante y que sea cómoda, esté impecablemente construida y mantenida.
Cuando acometimos los diseños arquitectónicos para Cap Vermell, nos centramos en la combinación de los aspectos modernos y abiertos con un sentimiento más tradicional de protección para crear edificios que armonizaran con la mayor naturalidad posible con su entorno natural.
¿Reflejan sus diseños la idea del »Zero Gravity Living«?
W. K. En mi opinión, Zero Gravity Living significa llegar a tu casa después de un corto vuelo y un trayecto breve en limusina para encontrarlo todo en perfectas condiciones. La casa siempre impecable, la nevera llena y el jardín en perfecto estado. Su hogar totalmente conectado, para que pueda trabajar con su portátil en cualquier lugar y estar en línea en todo momento. Aunque pueda tomarse un respiro, jugar al golf, o hacer una corta escapada al mar. Puede pedir la cena al hotel y que se la lleven en sólo diez minutos, o bien preparar una comida para diez invitados en su propia cocina. La idea básica es que su hogar sea una plataforma que permita una multitud de opciones. Esto le permitirá disfrutar del regalo más valioso actualmente: ¡el tiempo!
Aquí teniu una part de l'entrevista a un dels arquitectes del macroprojecte de l'urbanització "Cap Vermell" vos donarà el secret per gaudir millor del vostre Temps!
¿Hasta qué punto sus diseños se han visto influi dos por el paisaje mallorquín, sobre todo el de la región nororiental?
W. K. Nos gusta utilizar el término »arquitectura invisible« para expresar nuestro sentimiento de que lo que realmente importa no es la expre sión chillona, sino un enfoque más sutil para cada situación y ubicación en particular. En el caso de Cap Vermell, nos encontramos justo al lado de la montaña, con magníficas vistas al valle, al mar y a los accidentados acantilados que rebosan contrastes. Por consiguiente, nuestros edificios se integran en el paisaje. Presentan grandes ventanales en el lado que da al valle, así como paredes sólidas y re frescantes en el otro, en el lado que da a la mon taña. Parecen una prolongación natural de la montaña. Podría decirse que aprovechamos el espacio circundante con la incorporación de la montaña al diseño y a la construc ción del edificio.
¿Cuál es la importancia del aspecto de la naturaleza y de la fusión con la naturaleza en este contexto?
W. K. En Mallorca hay fincas rodeadas por 30.000 metros cuadrados (unas 3 hectáreas) de campiña deshabitada ¡sin un solo vecino a la vista! Esto es un lujo del que se puede disfrutar en Mallorca. Por otra parte, hay mucha gente que nunca se consideraría granjero en su plantación de 8.000 hectáreas, pero que en cambio desean tener acceso al lujo, a las comodidades y a los servicios ofrecidos por un hotel de cinco estrellas. Además, quieren que su casa se encuentre en un lugar paradisíaco en armonía con la naturaleza circundante y que sea cómoda, esté impecablemente construida y mantenida.
Cuando acometimos los diseños arquitectónicos para Cap Vermell, nos centramos en la combinación de los aspectos modernos y abiertos con un sentimiento más tradicional de protección para crear edificios que armonizaran con la mayor naturalidad posible con su entorno natural.
¿Reflejan sus diseños la idea del »Zero Gravity Living«?
W. K. En mi opinión, Zero Gravity Living significa llegar a tu casa después de un corto vuelo y un trayecto breve en limusina para encontrarlo todo en perfectas condiciones. La casa siempre impecable, la nevera llena y el jardín en perfecto estado. Su hogar totalmente conectado, para que pueda trabajar con su portátil en cualquier lugar y estar en línea en todo momento. Aunque pueda tomarse un respiro, jugar al golf, o hacer una corta escapada al mar. Puede pedir la cena al hotel y que se la lleven en sólo diez minutos, o bien preparar una comida para diez invitados en su propia cocina. La idea básica es que su hogar sea una plataforma que permita una multitud de opciones. Esto le permitirá disfrutar del regalo más valioso actualmente: ¡el tiempo!
dissabte, 3 de maig del 2008
In the Fall of 2007, the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) in collaboration with the USDA-ARS Beltsville Bee Lab conducted a study to help determine the distribution of various bee parasites and pathogens. This is the second part of the analysis from this survey.
1) Nosema (a gastrointestinal disease) levels tended to be higher in colonies collected from CCD-suspect apiaries
2) Mean varroa mite levels over all sampled colonies were approaching critical levels (9.5 mites/100 bees), but levels did not differ between colonies in CCD-suspect and non-CCD suspect apiaries.
3) Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) was found in 9 of the 11 states
sampled, and in 47% of all sampled colonies.
The last of these finding begs the question, "What should beekeepers do
who are or suspect their colonies are infected with IAPV?" To answer this question a review of both published and the most current data
from multiple research efforts is in order.
What do we know about IAPV as of May, 2008?
1. What is IAPV's linkage to CCD?
a. As published in September 2007 (Cox-Foster et al, Science, 2007)
i. Among pathogens, IAPV is the most consistent indicator of CCD
ii. Kasmir Bee Virus (KBV), Nosema apis, and Nosema ceranae are also indicators of CCD
iii. Additional "stress" factors may be needed to activate IAPV
iv. No cause and effect between IAPV and CCD was demonstrated
2. How many strains of IAPV exist in the US?
a. At least two strains, or "families", of IAPV are present in the United States (J. of Virology, in Press)
i. One lineage is most prevalent in apiaries from the eastern and
northwestern U.S. and probably was present before importation of Australian bees into the US in 2005.
ii. The second strain is more frequent in sampled colonies from the
western U.S. This strain matches more closely to several isolates sequenced to date from Australian package bees.
iii. The strain of IAPV found in Israel that defined this newly
described species, is distinct from those in the US and Australia.
iv. Extensive variation in the genetic sequence of the virus suggests
that the virus is rapidly changing in the U.S. or has been present as multiple lineages for some time.
3. What happens to IAPV infected colonies?
a. On-going research in Israel and the U.S. supports the assertion that IAPV can impact adult bee health and result in rapid mortality of infected bees.
b. Not all colonies with IAPV are in poor health
c. Some colonies that have IAPV can "clear" their infection to below
detectable levels over time; this is perhaps due to resistance in these colonies to either varroa and/or viruses
4. How can IAPV be transmitted?
a. IAPV can move from uninfected to infected colonies within an apiaryb. While not demonstrated for IAPV, other bee viruses (DWV, SBV, BQCV) can be brought to colonies on forger pollen loads, suggesting an outside reservoir for some bee viruses (Singh, et al, poster at Eastern Branch ESA, 2008, from PSU)c. IAPV has been detected in non-apis bees in the vicinity of IAPV
positive colonies in 2007. (Singh, et al, poster at Eastern Branch ESA, 2008, from PSU)
5. How widespread is IAPV in the US?
a. As of Fall, 2007, IAPV was found in at least 19 states; and thus,
the virus is widespread.
b. IAPV has been present in the US since at least 2002 (Chen and Evans, 2007).
c. IAPV seemed to have a more limited distribution in 2004 then at
present (Cox-Foster et al 2007).
Considering all these factors, undue concern over IAPV detection is not warranted. While IAPV's role in colony losses remains a priority in ongoing research, we do know that high levels of other common bee
viruses, such as KBV, DWV, and ABPV, have also been linked with certain incidences of high colony mortality or decline in worker numbers. We also know that nearly all bee colonies are infected with at least one type of virus and that all these viruses are potentially
Recommendations for beekeepers
If you have reason to believe that "virus" is negatively impacting your
honey bee colonies some general recommendations are:
1) Practice hygienic practices
a. Do not combine weak colonies with strong colonies without knowing the reason for the weakness as this may transfer disease.
b. Do not combine or exchange colony hardware (with other beekeepers, or within an operation/apiary) as it may transfer disease.
c. Where this is an option, irradiate dead out equipment before
reusing. At a minimum, consider storing dead-out equipment as long as possible before re-use. Scientists are actively seeking new and economical methods for reducing the transmission risks of used comb and hive equipment.
2) Reduce colony stress
a. Control Varroa: Varroa has been shown to activate virus that were
quiescent in honey bee. Use labeled products such as Apiguard, ApiLifVar or Mite away II. Do not use home made chemical mixtures.
b. Control Nosema: Use Fumagillin according to label directions to
control Nosema apis and N. ceranae in honey bees.
c. Control Bacterial Infections: Use labeled products such as
Terramycin or Tylan for American or European Foulbrood. These chemicals do not control virus and must be used according to labeled directions to control bacterial infections in honey bees.
d. Ensure colonies are well fed, especially with protein supplement,
during time of dearth.
This document was prepared and reviewed by: Dennis vanEngelsdorp,
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture;
Jerry Hayes, Florida Department of Agriculture; Diana Cox-Foster, Penn State University; Jay Evans, USDA_ARS Beltsville Bee Lab; Dave Tarpy, North Carolina State University; and Jeff Pettis, USDA-ARS, Beltsville Bee Lab
[1] A final report will be prepared when all the analysis is complete.
This message brought to you by Bee Culture, The Magazine Of American Beekeeping www.BeeCulture.com
Save Your Bees & Save Your Cash! www.SaveYourBees.com
This message is copyright free. We encourage distribution in newsletters or any format that will get this information to people who can use it.
In the Fall of 2007, the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) in collaboration with the USDA-ARS Beltsville Bee Lab conducted a study to help determine the distribution of various bee parasites and pathogens. This is the second part of the analysis from this survey.
1) Nosema (a gastrointestinal disease) levels tended to be higher in colonies collected from CCD-suspect apiaries
2) Mean varroa mite levels over all sampled colonies were approaching critical levels (9.5 mites/100 bees), but levels did not differ between colonies in CCD-suspect and non-CCD suspect apiaries.
3) Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) was found in 9 of the 11 states
sampled, and in 47% of all sampled colonies.
The last of these finding begs the question, "What should beekeepers do
who are or suspect their colonies are infected with IAPV?" To answer this question a review of both published and the most current data
from multiple research efforts is in order.
What do we know about IAPV as of May, 2008?
1. What is IAPV's linkage to CCD?
a. As published in September 2007 (Cox-Foster et al, Science, 2007)
i. Among pathogens, IAPV is the most consistent indicator of CCD
ii. Kasmir Bee Virus (KBV), Nosema apis, and Nosema ceranae are also indicators of CCD
iii. Additional "stress" factors may be needed to activate IAPV
iv. No cause and effect between IAPV and CCD was demonstrated
2. How many strains of IAPV exist in the US?
a. At least two strains, or "families", of IAPV are present in the United States (J. of Virology, in Press)
i. One lineage is most prevalent in apiaries from the eastern and
northwestern U.S. and probably was present before importation of Australian bees into the US in 2005.
ii. The second strain is more frequent in sampled colonies from the
western U.S. This strain matches more closely to several isolates sequenced to date from Australian package bees.
iii. The strain of IAPV found in Israel that defined this newly
described species, is distinct from those in the US and Australia.
iv. Extensive variation in the genetic sequence of the virus suggests
that the virus is rapidly changing in the U.S. or has been present as multiple lineages for some time.
3. What happens to IAPV infected colonies?
a. On-going research in Israel and the U.S. supports the assertion that IAPV can impact adult bee health and result in rapid mortality of infected bees.
b. Not all colonies with IAPV are in poor health
c. Some colonies that have IAPV can "clear" their infection to below
detectable levels over time; this is perhaps due to resistance in these colonies to either varroa and/or viruses
4. How can IAPV be transmitted?
a. IAPV can move from uninfected to infected colonies within an apiaryb. While not demonstrated for IAPV, other bee viruses (DWV, SBV, BQCV) can be brought to colonies on forger pollen loads, suggesting an outside reservoir for some bee viruses (Singh, et al, poster at Eastern Branch ESA, 2008, from PSU)c. IAPV has been detected in non-apis bees in the vicinity of IAPV
positive colonies in 2007. (Singh, et al, poster at Eastern Branch ESA, 2008, from PSU)
5. How widespread is IAPV in the US?
a. As of Fall, 2007, IAPV was found in at least 19 states; and thus,
the virus is widespread.
b. IAPV has been present in the US since at least 2002 (Chen and Evans, 2007).
c. IAPV seemed to have a more limited distribution in 2004 then at
present (Cox-Foster et al 2007).
Considering all these factors, undue concern over IAPV detection is not warranted. While IAPV's role in colony losses remains a priority in ongoing research, we do know that high levels of other common bee
viruses, such as KBV, DWV, and ABPV, have also been linked with certain incidences of high colony mortality or decline in worker numbers. We also know that nearly all bee colonies are infected with at least one type of virus and that all these viruses are potentially
Recommendations for beekeepers
If you have reason to believe that "virus" is negatively impacting your
honey bee colonies some general recommendations are:
1) Practice hygienic practices
a. Do not combine weak colonies with strong colonies without knowing the reason for the weakness as this may transfer disease.
b. Do not combine or exchange colony hardware (with other beekeepers, or within an operation/apiary) as it may transfer disease.
c. Where this is an option, irradiate dead out equipment before
reusing. At a minimum, consider storing dead-out equipment as long as possible before re-use. Scientists are actively seeking new and economical methods for reducing the transmission risks of used comb and hive equipment.
2) Reduce colony stress
a. Control Varroa: Varroa has been shown to activate virus that were
quiescent in honey bee. Use labeled products such as Apiguard, ApiLifVar or Mite away II. Do not use home made chemical mixtures.
b. Control Nosema: Use Fumagillin according to label directions to
control Nosema apis and N. ceranae in honey bees.
c. Control Bacterial Infections: Use labeled products such as
Terramycin or Tylan for American or European Foulbrood. These chemicals do not control virus and must be used according to labeled directions to control bacterial infections in honey bees.
d. Ensure colonies are well fed, especially with protein supplement,
during time of dearth.
This document was prepared and reviewed by: Dennis vanEngelsdorp,
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture;
Jerry Hayes, Florida Department of Agriculture; Diana Cox-Foster, Penn State University; Jay Evans, USDA_ARS Beltsville Bee Lab; Dave Tarpy, North Carolina State University; and Jeff Pettis, USDA-ARS, Beltsville Bee Lab
[1] A final report will be prepared when all the analysis is complete.
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